
Cement Industry Honors Roanoke Cement Plant for Outreach Activities

Apr 29, 2013

SKOKIE, Ill. – On April 29, 2013, the Titan America LCC/Roanoke Cement Company cement plant in Troutville, Va., received the Outreach Award from the Portland Cement Association (PCA) and Cement Americas magazine as part of the 2013 Cement Industry Energy and Environment Awards.  The award was presented at PCA’s Spring Meeting in Chicago.

The award honors facilities that strive to enhance community, employee, and government relations through innovative communications and programs.  This is the second consecutive year the plant has been honored in this category

The plant participated in and initiated a number of outreach activities over the course of 2012, including sponsorship of a conservation and science-based Earth Week event involving Fishburn Park Elementary students. The Roanoke Times and both attended and featured the festivities. The Roanoke plant also worked with the Southwest Virginia Chapter of the United States Green Building Council through a program called the Green Schools Challenge. This program is a friendly competition to encourage students, teachers, administrators, and others to implement a variety of no or low-cost environmental actions at their schools.

In addition to these projects, the plant has participated in environmental efforts such as the annual Catawba Creek Clean Up, and was recognized throughout 2012 for its numerous efforts in education and community awareness activities.

“Roanoke and other cement companies take very seriously their responsibilities to the towns where their employees and customers live. They consider it a privilege to be part these communities and want them to thrive economically and environmentally,” said Greg Scott, PCA president/CEO.  “The multi-year commitment to projects like the Catawba Creek cleanup illustrate the promise our companies make to ensure their areas are great places to have a home and that employees can take pride in the companies they work for.”

The Energy & Environmental Awards honor individual cement facilities that exemplify the spirit of continuous environmental improvement and support this spirit with action.  These plants go beyond government regulations and local laws to ensure that their processes contribute to making their communities better places to live and work.  Five categories are recognized:  Outreach, Environmental Performance, Land Stewardship, Innovation, and Energy Efficiency.  Additionally, PCA presents a special honor to a plant demonstrating excellence in multiple categories.

The award program was created in 2000 by the Portland Cement Association as part of its environment and energy strategic plan for the U.S. cement industry. The awards honor activities conducted during the previous calendar year, and the program is open to any cement manufacturing plant in North America. Judges for the 2013 awards Program included representatives from U.S. EPA-ENERGY STAR, Wildlife Habitat Council, U.S. Geological Survey, World Wildlife Fund, and Cement Americas.


About PCA
Based in Washington, D.C., with offices in Skokie, Ill., the Portland Cement Association represents cement companies in the United States. It conducts market development, engineering, research, education, and public affairs programs. More information on PCA programs is available at