Design & Control of Concrete Mixtures
Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures has been the cement and concrete industry’s primary reference on concrete knowledge for 100 years. Since the first edition was published in 1924, the U.S. version has been updated 16 times to reflect advances in cement and concrete technology and to meet the growing needs of architects, engineers, builders, concrete producers, concrete technologists, instructors, and students.
This fully revised 17th edition was written to provide a concise, current reference on concrete, including the many developments that occurred since the last edition was published in 2016. The text is backed by over 100 years of research by the Portland Cement Association and other industry groups. It reflects the latest guidance on standards, specifications, and test methods of ASTM International (ASTM), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the American Concrete Institute (ACI).
The 17th edition includes an in-depth restructuring of the existing content, presenting a 40% increase in new information over the prior edition within the previous chapters. This edition also has added two new chapters on imperfections in concrete, and innovations in concrete.
Over 3 million copies of past editions of the book have been distributed, making this book a primary reference on concrete technology.
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- Introduction to Concrete
- Portland, Blended and Other Hydraulic Cement
- Supplementary Cementitious Materials
- Mixing Water for Concrete
- Aggregates for Concrete
- Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
- Fibers
- Reinforcement
- Properties of Concrete
- Volume Changes of Concrete
- Durability
- Sustainability
- Specifying, Designing and Proportioning Concrete Mixtures
- Batching, Mixing, Transporting, and Handling Concrete
- Placing and Finishing Concrete
- Imperfections in Concrete
- Curing Concrete
- Hot Weather Concreting
- Cold Weather Concreting
- Test Methods
- Paving
- Structures
- High-Performance Concrete
- Innovations in Concrete Technology