Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality
Solutions For the Future
America’s cement manufacturers are united in their commitment to decarbonize the industry by 2050. The PCA Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality outlines their plan of action. The association has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to set a global standard for innovation and create a sustainable future. The Roadmap incentivizes action for real progress.

This goal is certainly ambitious and can only be achieved by industry, government, and private partners working together.

Read the PCA Roadmap
Dive into an explanation of the opportunities and actions the industry can take to reach carbon neutrality.
5 Links in the Value Chain
The Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality looks at challenges and solutions across the full value chain, from the manufacture of clinker, cement, and concrete, to construction and carbonation.
Go Deeper
Each aspect of our circular economy is interconnected, from manufacturing to construction and the recycling of concrete for new projects. We cannot simply shift emissions from one point in our industry’s value chain to another. Our goals encompass the entire life cycle of concrete.
- In the near term, the cement industry is working to replace raw materials with recycled materials, produce new low-carbon cement blends, and optimize innovative designs for the lowest life-cycle emissions.
- In the mid term, we’re committed to using more alternative fuels and renewable energy in manufacturing.
- In the long term, we are moving toward introducing the process of carbon capture into our industry’s sustainable technologies, as well as integrating new cement blends for construction and infrastructure.
Together, the industry has created a durable and sustainable product that is the foundation of our nation’s infrastructure—and together we must consider the entire value chain to build a greener future.
We’re In This Together
We will only reach our goal as an industry with widespread collaboration. We invite legislators and regulators, designers, builders, and contractors among others, to recognize the urgency and work with us.

Reach Out
Michelle Wilson, FACI, FASTM
Senior Director, Concrete Technology and Industry Outreach
Paul Tennis, Ph.D., FACI
Senior Director, Research & Product Standards
Lindsey Geiger, PE, LEED AP BD+C, ENV SP
Director, Environment and Sustainability